Tuesday, March 20, 2012

An Eager Heart

It’s called an eager heart.
One that stops and starts whenever a new boy enters the room,
Wondering if he will be the one for you,
It makes you want.
Makes you swoon.
Makes your skin hot.
Makes your belt loose.
Makes you lose
Your self-assured stance
And your solidarity in your solitude.
It makes you move
Lost-like and lonely,
Like you’ll always be this way,
Way down, steadily falling crest-first into:

It’s called a hole.
Each one of us has in our eager hearts
Like a lost puzzle piece,
Cruelly one of a kind,
Fit to fit something perfect,
To seal with steam and heat
Off the lips off his kiss in a brisk November breeze.

It makes us weak.
Makes us seem less.
Makes us be more than the risk of loss.
Makes us bold
For moments that could redefine the rest.
Makes us cut across the room,
Across the crowd,
And catch his eye
Like a tiger lily,
Daring and delicate
As the breath it takes to say:

I saw you and the din dimmed down,
Hushed and slowed
In a knowing glow,
Like I knew you before
In a former life when I loved you, and I could.
I have.
I already do."

It’s called when it’s called for,
And it hurts like hell to put on a brave face
And fake being whole in one half,
Because you are...
And you are not.
And I hold the hope for each and every eager heart of you
For one day when the two will be the same,
For you who won’t simply settle
For just any new boy
Who enters the room...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Slow Going

I didn’t realize how big the boulder of my life was ‘til I tried to move it.
Holy shit it’s heavy.
I’m not strong enough to move it all at once, apparently,
So I gotta take it a little bit at a time,
Like Sisyphus,
Once I get some momentum, it might be momentous
But in the meantime, just for now, inertia is slow, slow going.

Gotta get a place
Need a job
Need new friends
Need ends to meet ends
Check, check, check, check
Need cell phones
Student loans
Make a house a home with
Gas bills,
Up hill climbing all the way to the bank.
Drop my savings at the teller in quarters
To watch them roll away down the gas tank.
This goes on month after month for forever
If I'm lucky,
Like some days, I feel so good, like, I finally understand
Those years of shit-storms weathered were worth it, were necessary
To bring me to this perfect place I couldn’t possibly have planned.
Only to have a tomorrow so catastrophically awful that it proves, simultaneously,
Life is both random and BULLSHIT.

It seems more often than not,
Whenever people let themselves get too excited about something, it falls apart.
Dreams of warm weather on white fences
Rolling down highways, top down, wind in my hair
The day to days sunny, finally,
After so long a winter,
'Til I walk out to the parking lot and find that necklace I made for him
Laid out on my motorcycle in the snow.
No goodbye.

Then I realize I have to ride that motorcycle home… in the snow.
Desert winters are harsh.
You really need your own car.
'Til you lose that car you’d been looking for for months
When it finally showed up, on Craigslist,
Clean and cute, mechanically fit, good gas mileage, and in your price range!
Only to be weaseled out from underneath you by a sleazy used car dealer looking to turn a profit.
Damn it!
You were so close that time,
Every time, to everything falling into place
Before, instead, it suddenly blows-up in your face,
And you find yourself back where you began,
At the beginning,
Only this time, distinctly more tired than you were before.

Get back on that horse.
Put some eggs in more baskets, boy,
Spring is coming.
But some days I say, “Fuck spring.”
Fuck smiling.
I wanna to be sad.
I wanna to be pissed.
I’m allowed to pout for a minute,
Shout some shit 'til there’s nothing left to cry about,
Loud and quick,
‘Til it’s quiet.
Let it out,
So I can let it in.
And begin…